• Time zone formats B8601DXw.d, E8601DXw.d, B8601LXw.d, E8601LXw.d, B8601TXw.d, E8601TXw.d, NLDATMZw., NLDATMTZw. and NLDATMWZw. In this case, both pieces of information caused SAS to store identical values. The $N 8601B. informat can handle basic and extended ratings, but the $N 8601E. informat only works with extended notation. Use the $N 8601E. informat if you want to ensure that the input data matches the extended notation. Use this option to derive a start date or duration from an interval value. SAS has several date and time format codes that print these huge numbers as readable dates and times, but it doesn`t have one for the ISO format.
You can create a string variable with the date in ISO format using the following SAS voice commands: If the specified datetime value is specified, the central daylight saving time is returned. Daylight saving time applies to the central time zone in June. The above code takes the datetime values dt1 and dt2 from a record. The CALL IS8601_CONVERT in row 4 generates an ISO continuous value in the result1 variable, while the call value in row 5 creates an ISO interval value in the result2 variable. Both results are then formatted into new variables using the PUT function. The values for this record are shown below. As with standard SAS formats, it is important that you use only date formats and information for date values, time formats, and inform with time values, and datetime formats and information with datetime values. Thank you for your help in this topic:)In your example, I use ANYDTDTE. Information for reading data.
My path has pitfalls? Or why did you choose to convert data? I am new and I want all the secrets :)data temp;date of entry: anydtdte.; Format of the date yymmdd10.; maps;20160514199905052013110420110724;run; E8601DAw. reads the dates in the date notation Iso 8601 extended yy-MM-dd, where yy is the four-digit year, MM is the month filled to zero and dd is the numerical day filled to zero of the month. This format can only have a length of 10, as it is the only length for an extended date in the ISO 8601 extended date notation. Unlike parallel base date notation, SAS does not replace the missing month or day with a value of 1, and you get a missing value for your SAS date. Another continuous form is PnW, which is only used to describe a duration measured in weeks. n represents a number, and the W is the indicator for weeks. As with the previous form, if the start date or date time is later than the ”end date” or the time of the date, the P is preceded by a minus sign. Since there are no delimiters in this form, the output using basic and extended notation is identical.
$N 8601Bw. writes the duration, date, and interval values in the ISO 8601 base notation. This format is different from that $N 8601BA. displaying the duration as PnYnMnDTnHnMnS instead of PyyyyymmddThhmmss. It is left-aligned and w can vary from 1 to 200, with a standard width of 50. To correctly display the date-time and duration values, the width must be at least 16, while the minimum width is 32 to correctly display the interval values. In version 9.4, SAS automatically provides up to 3 decimal places for the second component of these values (specified by fff below), regardless of its meaning (d. h., if there is no decimal fraction of seconds, the zeros are displayed). The number of decimal places displayed depends on the width of the format. The format displays the duration value as ISO duration and an interval value as an ISO interval without additional programming.
SAS chooses one of the following forms based on the information stored in the ISO variable duration, datetime, or interval: ISO durations are represented in three ways. There is no preference or priority for any of the forms: use the one that best suits your data. A form is PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where P is the period indicator and preceded by a minus sign if the displayed period is negative (the ”start date” or date time comes after the ”end date” or date time), Y is the indicator for years, M for months, and D for days. The T is the time indicator and must be present if the duration string contains a time component. H is the indicator for hours, the M to the right of indicator T is for minutes, and S is the indicator for seconds. n means a number. This form of duration description is the same for basic notation and extended notation, as no delimiter is required. This standard has been adopted by the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) for the presentation of its date and time data, so that players in the pharmaceutical industry are particularly familiar with it. ISO intervals are represented by two datetimes that represent the beginning and end of the interval, or by a duration and datetime that represent the beginning or end of the interval. The Datetime/Datetime form is yyMdThhmmss/yMdThhmmsss in basic notation or y-MM-ddThh:mm:ss/y-MM-ddThh:MM-ddThh:mm:ss in extended notation. The forward slash or solidus (/) between the two datetimes is a mandatory separator if one of the two notations is used. Each of the previous examples can be reversed.
You can convert a duration or ISO interval to two datetimes, or convert an interval to a duration and datetime. To show you how everything is connected, in this last example, let`s take the ISO date and end values and create an ISO duration and iso interval, and then we recalculate the start and end times of that ISO interval, both as ISO datetime values and as SAS DATETIME values. ISO 8601 information is designed to handle strings that represent ISO 8601 dates, times, and dates and, when used with the INPUT statement or the Input() or INPUTN() functions, generate a date, time, or date-time sassature value when the string is read in the selected format. The following examples illustrate many functions of the CALL IS8601_CONVERT routine, including the ability to perform date and time calculations. Unlike any other part of the SAS date and time function, ISO 8601 durations and intervals are stored in character variables, but not as plain text. You cannot convert a datetime to a string by using the PUT() function and then concatenate it to a duration string or other datetime that has been converted to a string. To use the SAS date and time capability with ISO execution times and intervals, you must first convert the ISO duration and interval values into an internal representation. This is exactly the same process you need to do when working with dates and times as we understand them. You need to turn them into values that SAS understands, or translate the values that SAS understands into the representation we understand. Therefore, SAS has formats and information to translate this internal representation of ISO execution times and intervals. Internal representation cannot be used without this translation.
There is also an extremely important CALL routine that is used to perform the transformation between ISO duration and intervals to or from SAS date, time, and date values. First of all, we should talk about the forms of DURATIONS AND ISO intervals. To convert the character date ”13.10.2019” to date9. Format Based on the specified datetime value, Central European daylight saving time is effective. ISO 8601 is the name of an internationally recognized way of describing dates and times with numbers, and is one of many international standards maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Although the use of numbers eliminates the need to translate month names, the standard defines the order of date and time components in a date string and eliminates confusion as to whether 01-11-05 means January 11, 2005, November 1, 2005, or November 5, 2001. This facilitates the exchange of data, in particular between international parties. The full standard (available from www.iso.org/iso/home.html) covers the following: To demonstrate the difference between $N 8601B. and $N 8601E. computerats, the following example will use the same persistent string in basic and extended notation and try to treat it with any format. The first step is to create them as SAS datetime values. Let`s run a quick SAS program to create our sample AEDTM record: the Rexx DATE function returns the date in one of the various formats, depending on the character constant you transmit.
The standard format, called Normal, is the Anglo-British literature format ”23 Jun 1998”, which reflects the fact that Rexx author Mike Cowlishaw is an Englishman. Some Rexx date formats should be avoided, such as.B. Century, which gives the number of days in the century and increases to 0 in 2000, or Usa, which is the American mm/dd/yy, with a double-digit year. The standard format, yyyymmddd, is the best because it is very close to iso. All we have to do is add the hyphens. This is done simply by: Let`s use the data from Example 4.4 to quickly demonstrate how to create an ISO interval using the CALL-IS8601_CONVERT routine. .